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January 16, 2006


Let's take a short interlude from my blogseries and take a look at the lyric of one of my favourite songs.

爷爷泡的茶 有一种味道叫做家
陆羽泡的茶 听说名和利都不拿
爷爷泡的茶 有一种味道叫做家
(爷爷泡的茶 口感味觉还不差)
陆羽泡的茶 像幅泼墨的山水画

山泉 在地表蜿蜒 从很久很久以前
我有一张稚气的脸 泉水渗透进矿层岩
犹记得那年 在一个雨天
那七岁的我躲在屋檐 却一直想去荡秋千
爷爷抽着烟 说唐朝陆羽写茶经三卷

* (记得)那天 我翻阅字典
查什么字眼 形容一件事 很遥远
天边 是否在海角对面
这茶桌樟木的横切面 年轮有二十三圈
经过这些年 爷爷的手茧

# 爷爷泡的茶 有一种味道叫做家(没法挑剔它 口感味觉还不差)
陆羽泡的茶 听说名和利都不拿(他牵着一匹瘦马走天涯)
爷爷泡的茶 有一种味道叫做家(他满头白发 喝茶时不准说话)
陆羽泡的茶 像幅泼墨的山水画(唐朝千年的风沙 现在还在刮)

Repeat * #
啦啦~ 啦啦啦啦啦~ 啦啦~
啦啦~ 啦啦啦啦啦~ 啦啦~
啦啦~ 啦啦啦啦啦~ 啦啦~
啦啦~ 啦啦啦啦啦~
Repeat #

Aparently, China has the oldest history in tea drinking. It was a myth how tea drinking started, but the culture is real and widespreaded.

Lu Yu (陆羽), dubbed the sage of tea, was mentioned in the lyrics. He was most famous for his Classics of Tea (茶经) in which he classified an extensive list of different tea leaves and their distinct tastes. It's an unbeatable feat for a person to travel around the world on a thin horse and produce a book that untimately influenced the tea culture in the whole world (Japan, Britian, USA, Russia, India), neither for glory nor gold.

Drink tea today and become part of the culture!

Posted by peixin at January 16, 2006 07:45 PM


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